Be able to collect and synthesize all the information needed to draw up specifications for a training project
Human Resources Manager, Training Manager or Trainer responsible for defining training objectives
Study the context of the request
Purpose and issues: the different levels of objectives
The covered area
The actors involved
Resources to manage
Analyze the existing
Individual, group and professional needs
Collection of information: interviews (individual and group)
The elements to analyze: identify the knowledge and skills to develop
Analyze the information collected
Determine organizational choices
Consider the different possible training responses
Determine desired pedagogical methods and indicators of success
Determine the conditions of implementation
Identify constraints and take into account costs
Determine time and schedule of training
Estimate the budget envelope
Validate: stakeholder involvement
The drafting of the document
Write the specifications clearly and concisely: The structure, the essential points
Write an invitation to tender for the drafting of specifications by an external service provider
Work in subgroups
Exchange of good practices
Good to know
1 day
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