5 trendy words to show off with your colleagues
Photo by Doni Haris from Pexels
To help you to be the King/Queen in society, at Helloboss, we decided to slip you a few words to show off and act like you are (still) 'in the loop' (despite the passing years, shhhh). 😎
- Phygital: then this one is THE word at the top of the trends. Big revolution in the way of participating in Helloboss events, because now you can mix the physical and digital worlds. On shake shake and boom! 💣 There's a really weird term to describe this nth trend. The idea is that you, as a consumer, get the best possible experience from it, as always in the end. (source)
- Tired of the endless 'job-metro-tram-bus-car (cross out the useless mention!)' 😩 ? We've found the dream solution for you, the 'Workation'! A computer, Internet and a crazy desire to discover the world are mandatory. This new trend of workation or workcation, depending on one's preferences, a contraction of the words "work" and "vacation", allows some workers to mix work life and relaxation. Psssst not yet in the dictionary, you can really brag about this new word! (source)
Already better known, the next two will make their entry in the dico in 2021, but at the top of the rankings and that's class!
- Hygge: 'well-being' to show off in Danish. An art of living, the new 'yolo' in fact (source) 🇩🇰
- Zebra: to say of someone that he or she is gifted. Ah well, it is said that the zebra is the most intelligent animal in the zoo? (source)
- Well, while waiting for you to meet your colleagues to dazzle them with your culture, Pantone thought of you. Because finally what you need to get off to a good start in 2021 is a little pep in your life, so they came up with two great colors to brighten up your homeworking days. With the yellow 'illuminating' 💛 and the grey 'Ultimate', it's the optimistic promise of a sunny day ahead of you. No Depression guaranteed! Thank you Pantone (source).
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