To be able to adopt a mode of self-expression favorable to an effective communication
Improve one's interpersonal skills
For all
The parameters of fluency
The basic principles of communication
To know how to decode nonverbal attitudes and expressions
o The main expressions of the face
o The language of the body
o The proxemic
Control his verbal language
o Become aware of one's parasitic attitudes and actions
o Attitudes to avoid
o Improve your posture and adapt it to communication situations
Know how to adapt your behavior to situations and people
Understand the principles of conveying a message or how to position oneself
as part of active listening, and adopt facilitating attitudes:
o The characteristics of listening
o Questioning techniques
o Reformulation, a basic technique
o Empathy
To know how to assert oneself in front of one's interlocutor
o Establish a relationship of trust.
To be comfortable in his oral expression (clarification of the message, choice of words ...)
Put your interlocutor at ease
o Observe, analyze, synchronize
Practical cases
Scenarios and role plays
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