CORONAVIRUS - No more protection mask? Don't forget your panties!
Ayayayay the famous Corona - it even has its nickname (crazy no!) - continues to make its little trip around the world tranquillo while everyone is talking about it!! You have the employees who lock themselves at home, doing some home working that has been booming for a few weeks now and then there are the supermarket shelves that are getting emptier and emptier day after day. Come oooon, make your stock of chocolate and of course healthier treats to boost your immunity!!
If you ever make the big big mistake of sneezing or coughing in front of your colleagues, everyone will look at you like "threat detected" (before sneaking out of the room)! Some companies like Google, Amazon, and Twitter have kindly asked their employees to work from home to avoid any risk of contamination.
But don't be afraid lovely Miros! If our friends Astérix and Obélix managed to defeat their opponent "Coronavirus" in the 2017 cartoon, we will certainly do the same with the other one!
And the poor Corona beer which is facing a huge fall of its sales in the United States, are we going to speak about it? In a short period of time, his image changed from beer that "makes you a king" to" 2 Corona bought, a “mort subite offered" (name of a Belgian beer). This new slogan invented by an affiliate of Delhaize made us laugh, after all, a little dose of humor is essential because of everything that is happening!!
However, we have good news for the employees!! If your boss asks you to do an activity that could put you in danger, don't be afraid, the law is with you!! you can tell him nope, nope and nooope and he won't be able to impose anything on you !!
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