Luxembourg is The world's second largest investment Funds domicile, and is The prime location for The pan-European and global distribution of investment Funds under The UCITS brand.
Initially designed as a global retail Funds hub, Luxembourg has gradually opened up To The alternative asset classes, offering bespoke Structuring solutions through The SICAR, SIF and more recently with The SLP and The RAIF. Structuring flexibility, investor protection and tax efficiency are key elements of The Luxembourg investment fund offering. These are The core features that have helped persuade international managers and investors To shift their Private Equity fund platforms, operations and investments To Luxembourg.
The purpose of this training is To provide The audience with an overview of The Luxembourg toolbox and key considerations for The Structuring of Private Equity Funds in Luxembourg focusing on The legal, regulatory and tax aspects.
Objectives :
- To provide an overview of The available structures and options for The Structuring of Private Equity Funds in luxembourg
- To understand The tax aspects and considerations of such structures at The Level of The Fund, The Manager, The Advisor and The Carried Interest holders
- To understand The key terms of Private Equity Funds To align with international market standards
- To understand The key aspects of The marketing of Private Equity Funds in Europe from an AIFMD perspective
Level : Beginner & intermediate
Expert: Catherine Pogorzelski and Jacques Wantz (DLA piper)
Participants are hereby informed that they are likely To appear on photographs taken at The event. These are intended To be published in print and/or digital media published by Maison moderne.
Where does it take place?
Chambre des salariés
Rue Pierre Hentges Luxembourg
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