WordPress Luxembourg - Meetup de mai 2022 - Atelier collaboratif
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The WordPress Luxembourg meetup is finally back after several months.
For this return, we will organize the meetup in the form of a collaborative workshop as we used to do before.
The plan is simple, each comes with (either or all):
their laptop
Their problems or improvement plans for their own WordPress website
Their willingness to share their knowledge and experience
Their cheerfulness
The place has free Wi-Fi and a few electrical outlets.
After a short introduction, everyone works together in small groups and helps each other solve problems and get things done on their WordPress sites in a friendly atmosphere. We will also have some advanced users to help you with the trickier things.
• You have no problem?
You can help others with your own experience and even learn a thing or two in the process.
• Are you just starting out and don't have a WordPress site yet?
You will definitely learn a few things by watching other people working on their websites - enjoy real case studies!
• Not in the “work” mood?
Laptops are not required, you can join just for a drink and a chat with other WordPress enthusiasts outside of the working groups!
Help us organize the best possible events and RSVP only if you really plan to come and don't forget to update your RSVP if your plans change and you can't make it.
Where does it take place?
Independent Café
Independent Café
Boulevard F-d Roosevelt
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